MacDonald Early Childhood

MacDonald Early Childhood Building houses Head Start, Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP), and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) classrooms. 

Early Childhood Enrollment Information

Preschool Families 

Please call the Early Childhood Center at 586-716-7862 for GSRP and Preschool Options. Visit the ECC website for more information.

ECSE Families

Please call Special Services at 586-949-4513 for approval before doing the online enrollment process. The online registration link can be found on the district homepage. 

Upcoming Events

July 29
Summer School
8:30 AM
MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Summer School
Date: Jul 29
Time: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
Classes held at MacDonald, Lighthouse, and MSN.
July 30
Summer School
8:30 AM
MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Summer School
Date: Jul 30
Time: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
Classes held at MacDonald, Lighthouse, and MSN.
July 31
Summer School
8:30 AM
MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Summer School
Date: Jul 31
Time: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
Classes held at MacDonald, Lighthouse, and MSN.
August 1
Summer School
8:30 AM
MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Summer School
Date: Aug 1
Time: 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM
Location: MacDonald Elementary School - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
Classes held at MacDonald, Lighthouse, and MSN.
August 27
Professional Development Day – No Students in Attendance
All Sites - All Spaces
Professional Development Day – No Students in Attendance
Date: Aug 27
Location: All Sites - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
August 28
Professional Development Day – No Students in Attendance
All Sites - All Spaces
Professional Development Day – No Students in Attendance
Date: Aug 28
Location: All Sites - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
September 3
Student First Day – Half Day for all Students
All Sites - All Spaces
Student First Day – Half Day for all Students
Date: Sep 3
Location: All Sites - All Spaces
Calendar: MacDonald Early Childhood
(PM Teacher Work Day)


Non-Custodial Parents We are more than happy to cooperate in sending materials home to noncustodial parents, upon request. PLEASE REMEMBER TO INFORM THE SCHOOL AT THE BEGINNING OF EACH SCHOOL YEAR OF YOUR CURRENT ADDRESS AND NEED TO RECEIVE THIS INFORMATION. A call to our building, (586) 598-7660, at the beginning of the new school with the appropriate information is generally all that is required to set the process in motion.

Contact Us

MacDonald Early Childhood

5201 County Line Road
Casco, MI 48064


Frank Cusimano

School Times

ECSE - AM: 9:00 AM - 11:38 AM
ECSE - PM: 1:13 PM - 3:51 PM
GSRP - 9:00 AM - 3:51 PM
1/2 Day - 9:00 AM - 12:26 PM



Anyone can report tips confidentially on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. Tips can be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Phone: 855-565-2729
Text: 652729
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