Anchor Bay District News
We’re thrilled to start sharing some of the exciting changes in store for the upcoming school year! Stay tuned as we highlight key updates and improvements designed to enhance learning, engagement, and our school community. Our goal is to keep our families and community informed every step of the way.
- Anchor Bay School District will begin the 2025-2026 school year before Labor Day, with the first day of school on August 27, 2025. We understand this is a significant change for some families, so we encourage everyone to mark their calendars and plan summer vacations accordingly.
- Preschool Information
- Elementary Updates including New Screenings for Kindergarten Students
- Middle School Reconfiguration
- Trimester and Secondary Eligibility Policy Update
- SC4 Enhanced Dual Enrollment at ABHS
Stay Tuned for Updates!
Traditional Full-Day Kindergarten
- Children must be 5 years old by September 1st of the school year in which they plan on attending Kindergarten.
- Curriculum is based on the Michigan Standards for Kindergarten.
Young Fives
- Young Fives is a full day program designed for children turning 5 years old between June 1st and December 1st.
- Gives children an extra year before attending Kindergarten.
- The Young Fives curriculum is based on the Michigan Standards for Kindergarten modified to meet the foundational academic, social/ emotional, and developmental needs for younger children.
- Schools of Choice is available for both programs.
Kindergarten parents are encouraged to join us for a Kindergarten Readiness Night. Staff will be on hand to answer questions and go through our annual Kindergarten Readiness presentations.
The window for Kindergarten registration and and Schools of Choice starts February 13th. Visit the Enrollment/SOC page for more information.
Enrollment for the 2025-26 School Year including Kindergarten Registration and Schools of Choice will begin on February 13th!
Starting February 13th, parents can use the online registration link to pre-register students for next school year. It is important for parents to wait until this date. The enrollment link is currently open to ONLY students registering for this current semester. Thank you for patience and understanding.
For more information about enrolling at Anchor Bay, please visit our Enrollment Page.
The Fall Community Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes in September. It includes information about Anchor Bay's amazing state assessment scores, bond updates, new administrators, and more!
Thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program, Anchor Bay is excited to offer 1 FREE breakfast and 1 FREE lunch each school day to all students during the 2024 2025 School Year! All smart snacks and extra entrees will remain at cost.
Although meals are free this school year, it is important for families to still fill out the Meal Application! This information is still used for important state funding that helps support educational programs within our schools and also helps qualify students for Summer EBT benefits. To apply for free/reduced meals for the 2024 2025 school year, please visit our online site at and click on the ‘benefits’tab . Please follow the instructions as some Anchor Bay Schools require a different application form this year.
Anchor Bay Class of 2024 Macomb Daily Insert -