Aquatic Center & Fitness Center

Birthday Party Rental Information

Contact the Aquatic Center for reservations: PDF DocumentBirthday Party Rental Fees

Facility Use Requests

All facility use requests are completed online.  To request the use of our  facilities, you will need to use External Link MLSchedules.

External LinkComplete instructions can be found on our Facilities Page.



Swim Lessons


External LinkClicking here for online registration

Pool Information

External LinkClick here for the registration page. 

PDF DocumentCurrent Schedule

Program Information:

Sign up for REMIND Notifications

PDF DocumentSign Up for REMIND to receive updated information and notifications! 

Pool Rules: PDF DocumentClick here to print the Pool Rules

  1. For the safety and enjoyment of all participants, the lifeguard is in complete charge of the pool at all times and has final say in all rule interpretations.
  2. One whistle blast from the lifeguard, all patrons must STOP, LOOK and LISTEN to the guard.
  3. LONG whistle blasts from the lifeguard, all patrons must EXIT the pool IMMEDIATELY.
  4. Every swimmer must take a soap shower before entering the pool.
  5. Every swimmer must wear a swimsuit that has a lining. Undergarments, cutoffs and/ or gym shorts are not allowed in place of swimwear.
  6. No street shoes or strollers are allowed on the pool deck.
  7. Food or drink is not allowed on deck – except water in plastic containers and in designated areas.
  8. Breath holding activities and/or prolonged underwater swimming is not permitted.
  9. Running and horse play are prohibited on deck and in the pool.
  10. NO spitting in the pool gutter.
  11. No fighting
  12. No hanging from Diving Board or Starting Blocks
  13. Feet First entries; NO Flips, NO Twists, NO Backward Entries.

Swim testing:

Any swimmer entering the deep water will be required to perform a deep-water test during recreational swims. Adults may be asked to take a swim test at the lifeguard’s discretion.

Deep End Test:

At Lifeguard Discretion for Safety/ Endurance:

  1. Swim one length of the pool or equivalent.
  2. Tread water without touching the pool sides & bottom for 1 minute.
  3. Deep Water Plunge: Swimmer must jump into the deep end and recover to the surface.

Shallow Water Test

  1. Float on back and roll to front.
  2. Recover from floating position to standing position.

Swimmers who cannot pass either test or refuse to take either test will be issued a Personal Flotation Device (PFD). If a Child is Dependent on a Lifejacket/ PFD, a parent/ guardian must remain within an arm’s reach of the child.

Lap Swim

  1. Swimmers should select a lane, suitable to your swimming speed when entering into a “current” lap swimmer.
  2. Inform other swimmers in a lane before entering that lane.
  3. When two or more swimmers are in a lane, please keep to the right side of the lane and circle swim.
  4. When there are only two swimmers in a lane they may agree to swim side by side.
  5. Slower swimmers must yield to faster swimmers at turns.
  6. The lifeguard may ask a swimmer to move to another lane if they have not selected a lane appropriate for their speed.

Open Swim

  1. See swim testing policy above.
  2. Only Coast Guard Approved PFDs are permitted during recreational swims. The use of these items is restricted to the shallow end of the pool.
  3. Swimmers less than 48 inches in height MUST have a parent/guardian in the pool area. Parents must be in the pool with any child under 48 inches that did not pass the deep end swim test and must keep them within arm’s length at ALL times.
  4. Children who are not FULLY toilet trained MUST wear a swim diaper.
  5. Inflatable flotation devices are not permitted.
  6. The lifeguard may restrict the use of pool toys, instructional equipment and other recreational equipment at any time.
  7. Running, fighting, dunking, flips, sitting on shoulders and horseplay are not permitted.
  8. If diving is allowed at the facility, diving is allowed only in designated areas.
  9. Back dives and handstands from the side are not permitted.
  10. Starting blocks are for the swim team and swim lesson use only.

Family Swim

  1. At least one parent or guardian must accompany children into the pool when dependent on any form of flotation device. SEE OPEN SWIM RULES
  2. All open swim rules apply.

Water Aerobic Classes

  1. Be sure to go at individual pace. Do NOT over exert yourself.
  2. Heart Rate checks will be conducted throughout the classes, be sure to monitor yourself.
  3. Be respectful of the instructor and patrons, continuous talking is a distraction for participants trying to hear and the instructors trying to communicate. Instructors are responsible to provide safety reminders and need to be able to be heard.

Swim Lesson:

  1. If a participant is not meeting the class requirements upon first class evaluation, we will place them into a class that is best suited for their success.
  2. All pool rules will be enforced during lessons.

As always Safety is our Primary Concern ~ there are many other points of safety that may not be listed. Our staff will be sure to communicate if needed.

Fitness Center Information

The Fitness Center has moved to another room at the aquatic center. We have multiple machines available.The Fitness Center Schedule is published with the monthly pool schedule or call the Aquatic Center for more information. 

silver sneakers logoTivity Health - Prime - Silver Sneakers

  • SilverSneakers


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Contact Us

Greg Jones
Phone: 586-716-4623

Membership Prices

Registration & Fees

External LinkVisit our registration page by clicking here for more information about the Aquatic & Fitness Center.

If you are a member of Tivity  Health- Prime or SilverSneakers, your membership is covered! Stop by the front desk to check for eligibility and someone can help you with signing in. Your Tivity Health membership would give you access to swimming, water classes, land classes and the fitness center!

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School Groups


Interested in booking a field trip for your students DURING THE SCHOOL DAY:

  • Call us, to ensure the date/time is available, preferably Friday’s.
  • Call Transportation, (586) 725-4220, to reserve a bus
  • I will interoffice Building Use form with confirmation of date/time and cost is minimal - $10 per lifeguard per hour with a flat rate of $10 - $25 based on number
  • Emphasize if students have not passed a deep-water swim test, they will need to take one before entering the deep end of the pool.

Parent Teacher Groups

If you’re interested in booking an AFTER-SCHOOL Swim Party:

  • Call us, set-up a date/time
  • This type of rental requires a community rental form; the price is determined on length of time and the number of participants

PowerSchool Data Breach

We are aware of recent reports regarding a PowerSchool data breach. However, we want to assure you that this incident has not affected any schools within Macomb County, including Anchor Bay.

Second Semester Schools of Choice Window

2024-2025 Schools of Choice - Second Semester

Applications will be accepted for Second Semester Schools of Choice starting January 11, 2025 through January 24, 2025 at 3:30 p.m. 

  • Second Semester Schools of Choice is available for Kindergarten through 10th grade.
  • Placement at requested schools is dependent on class size and availability. 
  • The date for enrollment shall be no later than the end of the first week of school in the second semester which is January 31, 2025.

The following documents are required to be submitted with your Schools of Choice Application:

  • Statement of Prior Discipline Record - print and to be signed by former school/district
  • Discipline report/print-out from former school for the previous two years
  • Child’s current report card (high school students must also include current transcript)
  • Child’s most current IEP if your child is presently receiving any special education programs or services

Please apply for Second Semester Schools of Choice by completing the Enrollment Express Pre-Registration Link found on the Schools of Choice page:

  • Select Enrollment School as the Resident School and answer the Schools of Choice questions.
  • When the pre-registration form is approved, you will receive an email with instructions to create an online Parent Portal Account.
  • From the Parent Portal, the following enrollment forms must be competed:
    •  Student Demographics
    •  Previous Enrollment and Records Release
    •  Discipline Record
    •  2024-2025 Out of District Schools of Choice Application
  • If your Schools of Choice Application is approved, you will receive an email indicating your child’s placement.
    • You will need to log back into the Parent Portal to complete the remainder of the enrollment forms.
    • Your child’s enrollment is complete when all forms are completed and you have submitted the required documents:
      • Birth Certificate
      • Immunization Record
      • Parent Photo ID
      • Two (2) proofs of residency

Questions? Call the Administrative Center at 586-725-2861.

Fall Community Newsletter

The Fall Community Newsletter will be hitting mailboxes in September. It includes information about Anchor Bay's amazing state assessment scores, bond updates, new administrators, and more!

Free Student Meals

Thanks to the Michigan Healthy School Meals Program, Anchor Bay is excited to offer 1 FREE breakfast and 1 FREE lunch each school day to all students during the 2024 2025 School Year! All smart snacks and extra entrees will remain at cost.

Although meals are free this school year, it is important for families to still fill out the Meal Application! This information is still used for important state funding that helps support educational programs within our schools and also helps qualify students for Summer EBT benefits. To apply for free/reduced meals for the 2024 2025 school year, please visit our online site at and click on the ‘benefits’tab . Please follow the instructions as some Anchor Bay Schools require a different application form this year.

Click here for the printable flyer.

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Anchor Bay Class of 2024 Macomb Daily Insert -


Anyone can report tips confidentially on criminal activities or potential harm directed at students, school employees, or schools. Tips can be submitted 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Phone: 855-565-2729
Text: 652729
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